Friday, July 13, 2007

Cover & Art by Roberto Castro

Story by Harold Garner

In 96 A.D. a young naïve Chinese warrior falls into forbidden love with the emperor’s consort. While in route to the Han capital, they are shipwrecked and then enslaved by the Roman Empire. In Rome, he must fight as a gladiator in the coliseum to gain their freedom.

If you are interested in the screenplay or the graphic novel, please contact me for a copy. Also see

Friday, January 26, 2007

Two Empires - A Han Chinese warrior is enslaved by the Roman Empire and must fight as a gladiator to gain his freedom.


In the first century two great super powers existed, the Roman Empire in the West and the Han Dynasty to the East.

These Two Empires were at the zenith of their power.

Both empires were ruled by authoritarian god Emperors.

These superpowers conquered and ruled by the strength of their great warriors.

Combat and death was the way of life in both societies and the martial arts were honed to the finest point in world history.

Fate never destined for these two formidable forces to meet -- Until Now!

Two Empires - In 96 A.D. a Chinese Warrior is enslaved by the Roman Empire and must fight in the coliseum to gain his freedom.